News & Stories

September 9, 2021
You Tell Us: How Should We Go Global in 2022?

BLFA's goal is to increase the survival rate of children with cancer in underserved countries. There are astounding global inequities in all aspects of curing these children. Our vision is to help more children in 2022. Read on and contact us with your thoughts. We look forward to talking to you!

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August 2, 2021
Quest Equipment Donation Helps African Labs

More accurate and faster diagnoses increases a child's chance for survival. In collaboration with board member Dr. Steve Kussick, Quest recently donated equipment to help expand the diagnostic capabilities of our lab partners in Africa.

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May 4, 2021
GiveBIG to Families of Children with Cancer

This year we are participating in Washington's GiveBIG campaign (May 4-5) to fund transportation, food, education and housing for African families of children with cancer. Families struggle with the financial burden of sending their children to the hospital or clinic for cancer care. Unable to pay, parents will abandon a child’s treatment, or never start it in […]

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April 23, 2021
BLFA Chief of Pathology Improvement Speaks at Global Oncology Lecture

BLFA Chief of Pathology Improvement Speaks at Global Oncology Lecture On Monday April 26th, Dr. Steve Kussick, Medical Director at PhenoPath and BLFA board member, spoke about "State of the Art Leukemia and Lymphoma Diagnosis in Sub-Saharan Africa" as part of the Fred Hutch Global Oncology Lecture Series. View the webinar here Dr. Kussick oversees […]

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April 16, 2021
Cancer and COVID

Join St. Mary's Hospital in Gulu, Uganda for our upcoming webinar, "Lessons and Learnings from a Year of COVID at a Pediatric Oncology Clinic". Practitioners will be discussing how they overcame the obstacles to treating their pediatric cancer patients and maintained their care program during the pandemic, ensuring they were able to continue services and help […]

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February 3, 2021
BLFA hosts remote education for Kenya and Uganda labs

BLFA-supported labs are important contributors to improved cancer patient outcomes in East Africa. The state-of-the-art flow cytometry technology and training we have helped the labs implement has significantly grown local capacity for earlier and more accurate cancer diagnosis.

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February 3, 2021
ICCARE data shows cancer treatment abandonment rates dropping

ICCARE has been a BLFA partner since January 2018. Initially BLFA funding was used to support expanding ICCARE’s hostel, which started in 2017 and i housed an average of 4 patients per week with a nurse and a cook.

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February 3, 2021
UNC Project Malawi masks-up using BLFA’s COVID-19 Emergency Fund

In 2020 BLFA distributed US $7,500 of COVID-19 Emergency Funds to three of our partner’s childhood cancer treatment locations. UNC Project Malawi used funds to procure 400 locally made adult cloth masks (patterned) and 400 pediatric masks (red and blue).

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December 4, 2017
Community Toast to BLFA 2018 Grantees

Please join us for an evening of African wine and beer as we toast our new 2018 Grantees.

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September 1, 2017
Summer 2017 Newsletter

Profound Impressions: Meeting the Burkitt's Lymphoma Survivors

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